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3-16-10 Finance Subcmte
Legislative Council
Finance Committee Meeting
March 16, 2010
Municipal Center, Shared Meeting Room 1

PRESENT:  Chairman Ben Spragg, Gary Davis, Kevin Fitzgerald, Dan Amaral, Jan Andras

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Pat Llodra, John Aurelia, George Ferguson, Michael Burton, Rob Manna, Mark DeWolf, Kevin Cragin, Brian Atherton, Karen Pierce

Chairman Spragg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Public Participation:  Ms. Karen Pierce, 10 Chestnut Hill Road, visited Hartford to learn about possible reimbursement for steps taken to remediate air quality problems in schools.  She will be reporting this to the Board of Education.

Approval of Minutes:  Mr. LaRoque moved to approve the minutes of the 3/4/10 meeting.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Capital Improvement Plan

Regarding the Fairfield Hills burial of power lines, Ms. Llodra stated that when the Board of Selectmen passed on the CIP, they were using the information they had received.  She has done some further inquiries to AT&T and to CL&P.  The poles at Fairfield Hills were installed as a temporary solution to supply power to the NYA when they were ready to open.  The plan was always to put the power lines underground.  AT&T will take care of any safety concerns regarding the leaning pole, at no cost.  Ms. Llodra now feels that this project can be pushed out to a later year but wants to make sure it remains in the CIP.

Hook & Ladder Fire Co. member Rob Manna gave a presentation on the proposal for construction of a new fire station on land that has been donated.  They had requested $1.5 million in the CIP.  The BOF cut that amount in half.   H&L plans to come up with $750,000 through savings and a mortgage in the amount of $400,000 over 30 years.  Mr. Spragg advised that if this project is approved for funding, it should go through the bid steps.  

Sandy Hook Streetscape and Water Mains – Mike Burton gave an overview of the streetscape and water line extension projects which local business owners in the Sandy Hook Center endorse and feel that it would help economic development.  

There was a lengthy discussion.

Mr. Spragg moved to recommend the following to the full Legislative Council:  To return the CIP to the Board of Finance with a message that the Legislative Council wants them to 1) Expedite the bidding process for the year-one projects to make sure that the projects are not taking more of the Town’s resources than are needed; 2) Review the high school project for the surplus available from the variance between what was approved and the bid award;  3) Move the Fairfield Hills electric/communication underground for years 1 and 3 out in the plan.

As a result of the bidding process and reviews, there will be funds available for reallocation while staying under the 10% cap.  The Board of Finance should look again at moving needed projects up in the plan with any funds that become available per the above.

To Recommend the Sandy Hook Streetscape to be reflected in years 1-5 ($200,000 each year); the Sandy Hook Water Main Extension project in year 1 ($450,000); and, the Hook & Ladder Firehouse for $500,000 in years 1, 2 and 3.  To reflect the school building grant for the Middle School Roof in the CIP project listing.  Change year 1 to reflect the $1,000,000 proposed for the Capital Road Program.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Conveyance Taxes

Mr. LaRoque drafted a letter regarding the possible loss to the town of conveyance taxes and the need for towns to be able to obtain revenue in ways other than solely property taxes.

Mr. Davis moved to provide the full Council with the draft letter for review and approval to be sent to our state representatives and appropriate state officials.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Jan Andras